There is over 10,000 hectares of saltmarsh in and around the Gippsland Lakes, including over 4000 hectares within the Ramsar Site. Total extent of saltmarsh in 2021 within the Ramsar site boundary was 4058 hectares, of which 1261 hectares was within Lake Reeve. This represents achievement of the RCT and indicates that the extent of saltmarsh within the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site has been maintained, indicating good condition. While the extent of saltmarsh within the Ramsar site boundary remains comparable to that in 2011; there is some evidence of an expansion of saltmarsh in some areas adjacent to the Gippsland Lakes, but outside the Ramsar site boundary. With respect to the condition of saltmarsh communities, results of over 40 field assessments indicated that 60% were in “good condition”, four in “fair” condition and 14 in poor condition. The average score across all sites can therefore be considered “fair”. Repeat assessments of condition over time will be required to assess trend in condition of saltmarsh.