This project will take action for saltmarsh based on recent Coastal Saltmarsh condition assessments of the Gippsland Lakes.
About the project
This project will take action for saltmarsh based on recent Coastal Saltmarsh condition assessments of the Gippsland Lakes.
Saltmarsh plays many important roles in the Lakes – it is essential habitat, a carbon sink, and helps in reducing and adapting to the effects of climate change.
This project will improve our knowledge of saltmarsh (extent & condition) and wetland bird populations surrounding Hollands Landing and Lake Wellington. This data will be utilised to inform a long term monitoring program and development of future projects.
Saltmarsh plays many important roles in the Lakes – it is essential habitat, a carbon sink, and helps in reducing and adapting to the effects of climate change.
This project will improve our knowledge of saltmarsh (extent & condition) and wetland bird populations surrounding Hollands Landing and Lake Wellington. This data will be utilised to inform a long term monitoring program and development of future projects.
Over various sites, we will:
- Implement priority actions from the recently completed Coastal Saltmarsh condition assessments of the Lakes to improve the condition of 100 hectares of saltmarsh habitat through weed control, fencing and revegetation.
- Improve and protect saltmarsh on private land around Hollands Landing including the fringes of Morley Swamp and Lake Wellington. This area is recognised to be an important overwintering refuge for many migratory birds.
- Map the saltmarsh and assess its condition and threats.
- Restore the habitat through weed control over 30 hectares.
- Do seasonal bird surveys and flora and habitat assessments.
- Install remote cameras to assess fox population to inform future projects for fox control in this priority wetland bird area.
Activities will focus on Hollands Landing and will improve the condition of 100 hectares of saltmarsh habitat through:
- weed control
- fencing to prevent stock access
- revegation.
Project partners