
The Love Our Lakes program is made up of 48 projects, 22 partners and a whole lot of love for making a difference to the health of the Gippsland Lakes.

Explore our projects and discover the latest updates via the interactive map below.

The Gippsland Lakes Priorities Plan 2021-2024 has been developed through the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee to help identify where funding should be allocated to help maintain or improve the health of the Gippsland Lakes.

The Gippsland Lakes Priorities Plan has also been used to allocate funding for the Gippsland Lakes Community Grants Program with nine new projects announced in 2022 building on the 16 projects previously funded by the Victorian State Government.

1 - Jones Bay & Lake King
2 - Lake Wellington
3 - Outer Barrier Islands
4 - Aquatic Habitat
5 - Ramsar
6 - Community
7 - Environment Report
Cultural Heritage
Algal Blooms
Around the fringes
Burrunan Dolphins
Conserving Flannigan Island forever
Controlling pests in Lower Latrobe Wetlands
Cultural mapping for climate change
Cultural sites of Significance eDNA Sampling
Developing a saltmarsh monitoring framework
Dirty Rivers
Freshwater Wetlands
Homes for frogs and fish
Inspired Landcarers loving our Lakes
Lake King Water Quality
Lake Victoria Water Quality
Lake Wellington fringing vegetation re-establishment
Lake Wellington Water Quality
Lower Latrobe Wetlands Flora and Fauna Monitoring
Macleod Morass water regime monitoring
Monitoring the extent of the Lakes seagrass
Monitoring the Lakes' precious waterbirds
Monitoring the Lakes' threatened frogs
More habitat for fish in the Lower Avon
Nicholson River Landcare leading the charge
Nutrient Loads
Protecting Cultural Heritage
Protecting Lake Reeve's precious saltmarsh
Protecting precious plants
Refuge for frogs and wildlife
Restoring Coastal Saltmarsh wetland
Room to Move
Sand for seabirds
Seagrass Friendly Moorings
Seagrass restoration
Shoreline Stability
Tackling the Lakes' pests
Understanding Water Quality in the Lakes
Variably Saline Wetlands
Wetlands winding to the Gippsland Lakes
Where sea-eagles fly

The Priorities Plan identifies actions and strategies within four priority program areas and associated projects.


Improving the wetlands of Jones Bay and Lake King

Improve environmental conditions for native flora and habitat for native fauna in the fringing wetlands and shorelines of Jones Bay and Lake King on both private and public land.


Enhancing connectivity and condition around Lake Wellington

Implement actions to improve Lake Wellington and its fringing wetlands through management of water regimes and reducing inputs of nutrients and sediments; and improve habitat for native flora and fauna in those wetlands through works to enhance vegetation communities.


Protecting significant Gunaikurnai Country of the Gippsland Lakes outer barrier

Improve and enhance habitat for native flora and fauna on the Gippsland Lakes outer barrier by reducing pressure from invasive species; and protect cultural values by improving our understanding of the distribution and significance of these places and addressing key risks.


Understanding and improving aquatic habitats and ecosystems 

Improve the condition and availability of habitat for native fauna and flora dependant on aquatic ecosystems, through actions based on improved understanding of priority species and communities, and habitat protection and enhancement.